My Services

Welcome to StarSong Postpartum & Beyond!

Julie Behnken, doula and coach, smiling outside

I’m Julie Behnken, and you’re in the right spot to be supported on your early parenting journey, so you can SLOW DOWN, parent with INTENTION in a crazy world, and your child can THRIVE in their new little body.

Whether you’re about to have a baby, are newly postpartum, or have been a parent for a few years, the following SERVICES are TAILORED to YOU:

Parenting book on woman's lap

 Waldorf-inspired Parenting Preparation Program

COMING SOON in 2024!! Get a head start on embodying the parent you want to be and consciously prepare for baby’s arrival.

joyful mama and baby

Joyful Postpartum

Experience a nurturing, energetically aligned, Waldorf-inspired postpartum and a warm, gentle welcome to your baby without depletion, isolation or losing yourself.
64 hours of postpartum doula support, coaching, community, reiki, Human Design, and more for your postpartum vision!

Woman holding swaddled baby

 Postpartum Basics 

A la carte postpartum doula support, by the hour, in-person (Boulder, CO area) or virtually, with add-on services available.

Human Design bodygraph chart

Your Innate Human Design: Parent and Child 

Discover your unique energetic blueprint — and your children’s — through the Human Design chart. Living according to your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile can transform your parenting and your life!

Human Design bodygraph chart

Your Innate Human Design

Discover your unique energetic blueprint through the Human Design chart. Living according to your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile can transform your life!

If you want HELP figuring out the best services for you, BOOK a FREE :15 chat with me HERE

Featured on Raw and Real with Stefanie Fernandes

Check out my accompanying guest blog HERE

Julie Behnken, the owner of StarSong Postpartum and Beyond, believes that we can change the world through parenting our children and is no stranger when it comes to raising healthy, thriving children who embody their true selves.  As a certified Early Childhood specialist with a Master's in women's studies, she combines Waldorf-inspired parenting with Human Design to help new parents consciously prepare for parenthood and meet their child’s unique needs. She owned and operated a home child care program for over a decade and has 20 years of her own parenting skills, so she has a deep understanding of caring for little humans to help them grow from a solid foundation. Residing near scenic Boulder, Colorado with her partner, she is taking time to enjoy the simple joys in life like decadent dark chocolate and learning about homesteading.

In Human Design, Julie is a sacral Manifesting Generator, and astrologically, she is a Cancer sun, Cancer rising, Taurus moon. She is the partner of an emotional Generator and triple Leo, and her young adult son is an emotional Projector with a Taurus sun, who also lives in Colorado.

Human Design chart starry purple cloud